Robotics Engineering and Manufacturing
Robotics, Engineering & Manufacturing is a program focused on the development, installation, and use of Advanced Manufacturing devices. This program prepares students for careers in the engineering and manufacturing fields. Students enrolled will learn a combination of electronics, manual machining, mechanical drives, CNC machining, fluid systems, programming, inspection, robotics, properties of materials, and engineering processes. Students who enjoy STEM activities will enjoy this classroom and will be engaged in designing, developing, and testing electromechanical devices, automation systems, manufacturing systems. Students will also learn how to work as a team and develop engineering solutions to problems. There is a focus on industrial systems and procedures.
Skills Learned:
Students will develop testing and designing electronic circuits, reading schematics, systematic troubleshooting, conducting lab experiments, using test instruments, conduct troubleshooting with Volt-Ohm-Meter (VOM), oscilloscopes, signal generators, digital analyzers. Some of the skills a student will be learning about are measurements & blue printing, pedestal grinder, lathe, horizontal milling machine, vertical milling machine, drill press, bench work, horizontal bend saw, surface grinder, indexing, oils, coolants, and solvents, vertical bend saw, heat treatment, job safety, computerized numeric control – vertical milling machine, computerized numeric control – lathe.
Related Occupations and Earnings:
Related occupations include Electronics Technician/Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Robotics Technician/Engineer, Electro-Mechanical Technicians, Circuit Board Designer, Automation Technician/Engineer, and Hardware Engineer. Salary Range $ 12/hour to $ 48/hour.

Post-Secondary Opportunities:
Articulated credits can be earned toward a College Degree at local universities and institutions.
Mr. Pelzer & Mr. Sedlacek – Robotics Engineering and Manufacturing Instructors
Phone Number – 724-925-3532 x. 1347 & 1343
Office Hours: 7:15am to 7:45am
2:30pm to 2:45pm
Please leave a voicemail message outside of these times.
Suggested Prerequisites:
- Chemistry
- Algebra I & II
- Geometry
- College Prep English I-IV
Industry Certifications:
- CNC Mill/Lathe Certifications,
- OSHA 10 Certification
Student Requirements:
- Active Listening
- Controlled Precision
- Manual Dexterity
- Multi-Task
- Complex Problem Solving
- Quality Control
Student Costs:
Text Book:
- Electricity and Electronics Goodheart/Wilcox 2009
- Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy (CS STEM NETWORK)
- VEX EDR Legacy Curriculum
- Robot Virtual Worlds
- MINDS-I Integrated Robotics
- Solid State Electronics, Dirk 1994
- Digital Circuits, Streib, Goodheart/Wilcox 1997
- LJ Digiac Virtual Instrument
- Platform for Electronics and Mechatronics 2010
- Tooling University
- CAM Instructor