Construction Trades


Course Description:

The construction trades course includes customary procedures and methods used by the workers in the trade. The emphasis is placed on the proper use of tools, equipment, and materials. You get repetitive training on various trade operations used to develop the accuracy, neatness, and speed needed by carpenters. Some other related academic information includes trade theory, application of blueprint reading, and mathematics is an important part of the program.

Students have the opportunity to analyze problems encountered in the trade and plan their solution. Students learn to work with hand tools, machines and materials commonly used in the trade. Emphasis is placed on laying out buildings, rough framing, roof construction, exterior finish, hanging of doors, interior finish, and concrete forms. The students do practice work with full size doors, stairs, concrete forms, interior trim, paneling, and cornices. Students are provided with detailed instruction in the logical order of the construction of a house throughout the building of models and full size construction.

Skills Learned:

Some of the skills a student will be able to perform are fundamental tool process, laying out buildings, and framing. Other skills have to deal with house construction. Some of these skills are roof construction, exterior finish work and interior finish work. They also do stair construction, concrete forms, and machine operation and assembly.

Related Occupations and Earnings:

Related occupations include Carpenters, Job Supervisors, Cabinet Maker and Roofer. Earnings range between $12-$22/hour.

Post-Secondary Opportunities:

Articulated credits can be earned toward an Associate’s Degree at Institutions such as Commonwealth Technical Institute, Johnson College and Orleans Technical Institute.


Mr. Miller – Construction Trades Instructor
Phone Number – 724-925-3532 x. 1342
Office Hours: 7:15am to 7:45am
10:45am to 10:55am
2:30pm to 2:45pm
Please leave a voicemail message outside of these times.

Suggested Prerequisites:

  • Algebra I & II
  • Geometry
  • College Prep English I-IV

Industry & Skills Certifications:

  • NAHB Certification

Student Requirements:

  • Active Listening
  • Controlled Precision
  • Physical Strength
  • Manual Dexterity
  • Communication
  • Use in Personal Protective Equipment due to dust, dangerous equipment, and outdoor elements.

Student Costs:

  • Work Boots
  • Stair gauges
  • Notebook (3 ring)

Text Book:

  • Modern Carpentry by Wagner Goodheart & Willcox